Friday: 13:40
I love triple-stacks, and this one's a pangram too. That's always a nice touch, and the fill doesn't suffer for it at all. Lovely work, and I think even Rex Parker might approve. (EDIT: No, he didn't. Haters gonna hate. Yeah, ENORM is dated, HARKS, IFA, HOTTO are all a little weak, but I actually think all the stack answers are good enough to wince a tiny bit on the crosses. I've seen worse words for less payoff. It's not as if the answers didn't work with their clues.) A touch on the easy side for me at least, as I plunked down 1-Across with no crosses, and 16-Across was a total gimme, the way it was clued "It's 'on a dark desert highway,' in song." An NBA MVP might trip me up at times, but even I know who Steph Curry is.