Sunday, April 7, 2024

 Tuesday 5:23 (crusht)

New Tuesday record! The theme (three-hole punch) is a little loose. A logical fallacy could be called a hole, an empty space is kinda a hole, and pigsty is also a little off. Punch works fine, but the other "holes" are a little too metaphorical.

Update: I just realized thid grid is only 14x15, which makes the time a tiny bit less impressive, but I'm counting it.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

 Saturday 12:30

Hey, a double-pangram, and a good solve time. That's looks like an above average number of black squares for a Saturday. My time would have been a little faster if I hadn't tried to identify one pangram while solving. Since I finished in the southwest, I got the second Q and C very late, so it wasn't until the end that I discovered it was a double, and with 5 Zs in all. Clean fill, jazzy long answers, "new" things like SMH, POKEBAL, TSWIZZLE. Not much misdirection (29 Across, Made a lap?: SAT is one of very few). Overall very enjoyable, if a little on the easy side.