Monday, June 10, 2019

Monday 5:27 (gofast, pretty lifted)

Rex Parker marked this as medium-challenging (for a Monday), so I determined to focus hard. Did the Blue Dream help? Unlikely, yet Rex was only two minutes faster than me (the margin between us by percentage is usually much larger). There were a few weird things like SLUE but I got it all from crosses. Didn't bother with the theme until I was done, since the clues were all normal, and the reveal answer was 4/5 done before I even looked at the clue. There was an odd clue "Letter you don't pronounce in'jeopardy' and 'leopard'" for THE O. Not enough famous Theos (for a Monday) I guess. You used to get the character from the Cosby Show, but that's a name I'm fine with avoiding in crossword puzzles. There's what they call the "breakfast table rule," which states that no puzzle should include anything you wouldn't discuss over breakfast. No "adult" things like porn, heroin, rape, incest, etc. in clues or answers. Murder could be clued as a group of crows; anal is only ever clued as "excessively neat."

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