Saturday, November 28, 2020

Monday: 6:46
Wednesday: 13:04
Thursday: ??? Forgot to save it. A print version would have worked faster, since there was some grid weirdness which didn't translate to digital very well.
Friday: 17:13 
Saturday: 10:03 (new record, crusht)

Wow, was this an easy one. Totally wrecked my previous Saturday record (and is still a couple of minutes faster than my Friday best). This is especially nice, because I hated that my prior Saturday record was on a non-standard 15x16 grid (technically, that should take longer with more squares, but it beat my previous 15x15 time, (not mention that my Friday best was in between those two Saturday  times, so there were asterisks in a record list. Now everything is clean.)). I had a small error with OVERSTATES instead of OVERSHARES (Clue: Says too much), but that happens when you're moving so fast. I was fortunate to know all three proper names in the grid (21-, 41-, 42-Across) but none of them are obscure at all. My large coffee might have helped, but like I said, very very easy.

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