Sunday: 27:29

I could have gone a minute or two faster, but for some reason, AcrossLite (the app I use to solve) isn't saving my preferences, so I have to redo them at the start of a puzzle. Another program that's giving me trouble since I migrated machines is my SNES emulator. I got my old one to use 8-directional input, which makes Zelda much more manageable, since movement in just 4 directions is stunted as heck, but I can't seem to find that toggle in the one I'm using now, although I could swear it's the same program.
I can solve a lot of this, probably, if I just take the half hour or so to power up my old behemoth and flash drive over some stuff. In fact, I bought a big flash drive solely for this kind of thing. I want to transfer some media and documents too. But my flash drive sits unused.
So much context, I can't bear it. I took today off (did I mention I have a new job? Census 2020 enumerator) and I'm still lying in bed, watching old Star Trek, despite the fact that there are at least 2 movies out on Netflix and HBO that I want to see (but apparently not enough to actually do so).
Did I mention my father died in March? March!
Have I talked about my roommate?
Biden securing the nomination and picking a running mate? (And I have quite a bit to say about all that.)
I haven't once mentioned the global pandemic that has basically upended every aspect of life all over the world and has been going on for six months.
What is personal blog worth if you don't talk about the world and your place in it? All my writing is chats online, or Facebook comments.
Part of it is the apocalyptic mindset that goes on during the pandemic, and certainly a helping of depression that goes along with it (and all the other shit I mentioned). I just can't tell if I'm clinically depressed or just lazy and unmotivated as fuck to do anything. Well, the job pays, at least. I don't love the work, but it isn't too boring either.
Sigh... well, time for a bowl.
I need a hug.