Thursday, February 8, 2018

Tuesday: 10:18
Wednesday: 12:36
Thursday: 11:22

Google Searchs for all: 0

Been bad on updating for a few days. I plead food coma from Samoa cookies, possibly the least healthy food in the world. It's a cookie, but the ingredient list goes sugar, oil, flour, corn syrup, sweetened condensed milk (milk, sugar). The "suggested serving" is a laughable two cookies, but even only two (29g) is 150 calories with 8g fat (6g of that is saturated, 30% of your RDA).

Low point in the crosswords was Wednesday. Interesting construction, but terrible fill. Lots of crosswordese. Today's was nicer, with anagrams of famous actors. "It's-a me, Mario" anagrams to "Marisa Tomei." By far, the neatest of the bunch.

The time is on the easy side, and if I'd picked up the anagram thing earlier, it would have gone way faster, since I spent a good amount of time trying to figure out "Steady Gig" with T_YE_IGG_ in place. As a good puzzle should, it should put its "revealer" (the clue that explains the theme if not obvious) near the bottom (Hollywood Shuffle, over two clues). When I put that together, everything became quickly apparent. I've never heard of Ansel Elgort, but when you're working with anagrams, process of elimination makes it easy.

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